Top Ten Reasons Why I Don't Fucking Care Anymore

#10) When you are the only one who gives a shit about almost everything it just doesn't seem as cool anymore.

#9) Nationalization and not thinking for yourself or working hard is in. I am going to start a grass roots campaign of "Not Giving A Shit"

#8) Oklahoma (the state) fucking sucks!

#7) Texas (the university) is going to win a National Championship

#6) Confidence misconstrued as arrogance is only cool if you are getting laid because of it. Otherwise it's just fucking arrogant.

#6) Because I just got the job title that most of your fathers want. BeeTeeDub, I'm 29!

#5) Because at 29 all your friends are married, getting married, or with the person they are going to divorce first. If you aren't in one of these situations then you don't live in Norman, OK. Re-read #8

#4) Because my next birthday is 30, FUCK!

#3) Because I revised this Top Ten List due to my lack of having balls when it comes to girls and what they say/do to guys like me but, I didn't change #2.

#2) Because Snoop Dogg said it best "Bitches"

And the #1 reason why I have decided that I don't give a fuck, don't care anymore, and am SOOOOOOOOOOOO DONE with 2009......

Because I am starting my 2010 like this!


KarlyRae said...

How I came across this. - I do not know. BUT I enjoyed it. Not because you don't care either. HA

Oh, whatever..
I really just wanted to say seeing Girl Talk is almost the best way to start off the new year.

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